006: Jake Jorgovan on Border Jumping and Business Building

My guest today is Jake Jorgovan. He is a writer, and owner of Outbound Creative. On today’s show Jake tells me about his year abroad with his then-fiancee, and now-wife. We discuss the quirks of travel and the lessons we picked up along the way.

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After reading The 4 Hour Work Week, Jake was inspired to move out of Nashville and see the world. What followed was a year long adventure that took him to Mexico, the Philippines, Singapore, and eventually Europe. In total he visited 13 countries.

Other topics we discussed are:

  • The varying visa laws from country to country.
  • The problems that Jake and his wife dealt with abroad.
  • How Jake set up his business in Mexico.
  • The changing start-up culture in Germany right now.
  • Why disconnecting from online is a good thing.

You can learn more about Jake, read his blog and listen to his podcast at Jake-Jorgovan.com

You can also learn more about Jake’s outbound marketing company Outbound Creative at OutboundCreative.com

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  • How do you make an income while traveling?
  • How do you deal with the work/life balance while traveling? (You’re traveling to someone exotic and exciting, after all!)

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